The human body is an amazing machine. And one of the most amazing things that machine can produce is another human. Having a child is a joyous event, but it can also be full of challenges. You may have heard of postpartum depression. And that is a serious condition. Yet for mothers who have either had eczema in the past or are breastfeeding, postpartum eczema is also something to be aware of and prepared for.
Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a skin condition that involves itchy and inflamed skin. It is difficult to manage, particularly while giving birth or during the postpartum period. However, with proper treatment and prevention tips, it can be manageable.
Postpartum eczema is a common issue for many new mothers, especially breastfeeding ones. It can develop during pregnancy, affecting 1 in 10 pregnant women. In this blog post, we emphasize its importance for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Additionally, we provide helpful tips for managing it.
We will also discuss options to treat eczema and skin care tips for individuals with atopic eczema. This is especially helpful for those with a family history of complications with eczema and pregnancy. Because new moms have enough to deal with after a baby is born, right?
Managing Postpartum Eczema: Tips For New Mothers
Postpartum eczema is a common occurrence for many new mothers. Changes in hormones, stress levels and immune response during pregnancy can trigger skin changes. They can also cause eczema outbreaks or worsen the severity of existing eczema. While some women experience eczema during pregnancy, others may develop eczema after giving birth. By taking certain precautions, you can manage eczema and reduce flare ups.
Proper hygiene is essential for people with eczema, but even more so for a pregnant person or a new mother managing postpartum eczema. Maintain regular hygiene while avoiding harsh soaps or fragrances that can dry out your skin and cause irritation. Some mothers experience eczema on the nipples associated with breastfeeding. It is suggested to frequently change breast pads and moisturize between feedings. This may help manage nipple eczema.
Moisturizing is one of the best ways to manage postpartum eczema symptoms and flare-ups. Emollients like Dermeleve® anti-itch cream can be used to restore moisture levels and repair the skin's natural barrier. Applying cool compresses on affected areas during an outbreak may also relieve itching and inflamed skin.
Families with a history of eczema should also be aware that this condition may be hereditary. Special care needs to be taken during pregnancy and after birth by both mother and father alike if they have had eczema. This will help ensure healthy skin development for the baby down the line.
Postpartum Eczema Treatment Options & Prevention Tips
Trying to manage your eczema after pregnancy can be frustrating. This is especially true of sufferers who find their eczema gets worse after giving birth. A variety of treatment options are available to help reduce itching, inflammation, and flare-ups. The timing for hormonal cases of eczema to go away after pregnancy varies for each individual. However, with proper treatment, it's possible to minimize flare-ups and relieve the itching.
For families with a history of eczema, understanding the condition is critical to managing symptoms. Here, we discuss treatment options and tips to prevent eczema for new moms.
Cold Compress
Cool compresses may be applied to reduce inflammation. This can be followed by topical therapies such as an anti-itch cream to lock in moisture. The cold compress works by constricting blood vessels and reducing blood flow to the affected area. This, in turn, can help reduce swelling and inflammation, much in the same way as using ice on a swollen ankle or wrist.
Be sure to wrap the compress in a towel or cloth to prevent direct contact with the skin. Direct prolonged exposure to extremely cold temperatures can damage the skin.
Topical Steroid Cream
Topical steroids are often suggested for women dealing with eczema. Yet it's important to be aware of the risks involved with this type of medication. Topical steroids can often reduce inflammation and itching associated with eczema. However, they also can also have potential side effects. These side effects can include skin thinning, discoloration, and increased risk of infections.
Prolonged use of topical steroids can lead to topical steroid addiction or withdrawal. This can cause a rebound effect of symptoms once the medication is discontinued. This can lead to increased redness, itching, and inflammation. In other words, symptoms that can be difficult to control.
It's important for women dealing with eczema to work closely with their healthcare provider. They will help to determine the most appropriate treatment plan. This may or may not include the use of topical steroids. Women should only use the medication as directed by their dermatologists. And only for as long as necessary to avoid potential risks and side effects.
Due to the risks of corticosteroids like hydrocortisone and cortisol, it's best to avoid using topical steroids. For a steroid-free alternative that is safe to use during pregnancy and after, Dermeleve® is an excellent choice. Dermeleve® is completely free of the risks associated with topical steroid use. It is also extremely fast-acting and long-lasting.
Topical steroids like hydrocortisone can take a very long time to start working. Dermeleve® starts working almost instantly. Even better, a single application lasts for hours. Fast-acting, long-lasting, and safe alternative to topical steroids. What's not to love?
For those looking to keep your eczema symptoms under control, Dermeleve® is a perfect choice.
Stress Management
When it comes to methods to keep your symptoms of eczema in check, it's important to care for not only your body but your mind. Stress management is crucial in helping manage postpartum eczema, as stress can cause hormones to fluctuate. This means that the severity of eczema flare-ups can increase as stress levels are elevated.
Consider lifestyle changes that have been proven to be effective in reducing stress. These include yoga, meditation and mindfulness exercises. Often, people find their eczema may be controlled better after taking steps to reduce stress in their life.
Incorporate a consistent treatment into your daily routine to make a big difference in helping reduce stress levels. Whether that's going on a walk, reading or spending time with friends and family - it's important to find ways to relax and unwind. Not only will that prove to be beneficial for your mind, but for your dry skin, as well.
Can You Transmit Eczema If You Breastfeed?
It's important to know that postpartum eczema isn't contagious. Therefore, your nursing baby won't develop a skin condition if they come into contact with you or consume your breast milk. In fact, breast milk has been found to be beneficial for skin irritations and can provide relief from itchiness.
If your baby does show any signs of a skin rash or irritation, it's recommended that you contact their pediatrician. They will be able to rule out any other underlying skin issues.
When To See A Doctor
Those with a history of asthma, hay fever, or other similar conditions should make an appointment with a pediatrician as soon as possible. It's important to create a personalized plan for managing their newborn's symptoms. This will help ensure appropriate treatment and prevent complications down the road.
Fortunately, high-quality products like Dermeleve® are available. , which helps soothe the itch and strengthen the skin barrier while locking in moisture.
Wrap Up
Postpartum eczema can be challenging to manage, but it need not be. But proper knowledge and products like Dermeleve® can make it easier to manage postpartum eczema.

Understanding postpartum eczema prevention tips and treatment options is essential for all mothers. This is especially true for those who have experienced hormonal changes due to pregnancy. This also goes for family members suffering from similar conditions such as asthma or hay fever. Following these steps can ensure appropriate care and reduce discomfort due to frequent flare-ups!
So, keep an eye out for those warning signs of postpartum eczema and remember to moisturize! Because, let's be honest, nobody has time to deal with dry, itchy skin while trying to take care of a baby. You got this, mama!