Given that everyone's skin varies, it's only logical for all of us to employ different treatment options to maintain it. However, there are instances when your good skin care efforts might lead to some problems. This is particularly accurate if you mistake eczema often for another common skin disorder like psoriasis. Even worse if you choose the wrong treatment plan. Two of the most common skin issues are eczema and psoriasis, and it's easy to get them confused.
In this blog post, we'll take a look at eczema and psoriasis and learn to tell them apart. Let's get started with this journey of understanding these common skin conditions!
An introduction to eczema and psoriasis
Both eczema and psoriasis are chronic inflammatory skin disorders that can be difficult to tell the difference between. This can often cause one to consult a dermatologist for proper diagnosis. They affect the epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin. Not only do eczema and psoriasis affect the epidermis, they can also cause alterations in the dermis, the layers beneath it.
With similar symptoms, these skin conditions can be extremely painful. This is particularly true for severe cases where psoriasis tends to cause excruciating pain. Both of these conditions, psoriasis or eczema, manifest as red, itchy skin that may bleed, often resulting in a skin rash.
Skin symptoms of eczema can be dry or oily depending on whether the scalp is affected or not. It typically affects infants or young children. Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disorder. It causes red, itchy patches that are similar to eczema. It is typically seen in adults, although people of all ages are affected.
What is eczema?

Eczema is the inflammation of skin tissue caused when the immune system attacks the skin. The most common causes of eczema are hereditary factors and environmental triggers. There are two types of eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, and contact dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis is genetic. A flare-up is often triggered by a food allergy or exposure to allergens such as pollen. Atopic dermatitis is unique in that it affects the not just the skin; but the nose, and respiratory system.
Contact dermatitis is caused when the skin directly contacts an allergen or irritant. This includes chemicals, perfumes, soaps, or other allergens. Contact dermatitis can show up anywhere on the body. It typically affects areas that are exposed to irritants, such as hands, feet, and face.

What is psoriasis?

Atopic dermatitis is genetic. A flare-up is often triggered by a food allergy or exposure to allergens such as pollen. Atopic dermatitis is unique in that it affects the not just the skin; but the nose, and respiratory system.
Contact dermatitis is caused when the skin directly contacts an allergen or irritant. This includes chemicals, perfumes, soaps, or other allergens. Contact dermatitis can show up anywhere on the body. It typically affects areas that are exposed to irritants, such as hands, feet, and face.

Psoriasis is most common in people between the ages of 30 and 50. It affects more than 12 million Americans, and up to 4 million people have the disease.
The cause of psoriasis is unknown. However, researchers believe it may have to do with genetic and environmental factors.
Three types of psoriasis are recognized:
1. Inverse psoriasis. This type of psoriasis results in the skin peeling and flaking.
2. Inverse-to-reticular psoriasis. This type of psoriasis causes the skin to peel and flake in addition to forming red patches.
3. Inverse-to-reticular-to-plaque psoriasis. This type of psoriasis is characterized by red, flaky patches. These patches can become itchy and inflamed.

What are the differences between eczema and psoriasis?
Eczema and psoriasis are different types of chronic skin conditions, but very similar. Knowing the differences can help you make the right choice in treating your skin problem.
Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that leads to the rapid growth of skin cells, resulting in thick, red patches covered with silver-white scales.
These patches often appear on the elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back, but can occur anywhere on the body.

Psoriasis Severity
Psoriasis Severity
The cause of eczema triggers is unknown. People with eczema get a rash that usually occurs in patches.
These are often on the knees, elbows, or the scalp, and can cause skin to become dry, itchy, and cracked.

Though eczema and psoriasis are different conditions, they can lead from one to the other. Eczema can sometimes develop into a form of psoriasis that is extremely severe. Psoriasis can also develop into a form of eczema known as psoriatic eczema. The fact that eczema and psoriasis can cause each other speaks to the great importance that is placed on learning to manage your symptoms before they change in ways that negatively affects the skin.
What are the similarities between eczema and psoriasis?
Both eczema and psoriasis are hereditary. A person inherits the tendency to develop eczema or psoriasis from their parents. Both conditions also affect males and females equally.
What you can do to prevent eczema and psoriasis.
There are a few things you can do to help prevent eczema and psoriasis:
Avoid scratching.
Scratching can cause your skin to break open and inflame. This leads to potential infections and even scarring. This is easier said than done, as the major symptom for both eczema and psoriasis is itching. However, if you scratch, you risk damaging your skin.

A product like Dermeleve® is a great tool in the fight against both eczema and psoriasis. It instantly stops the urge to itch with a single treatment. This helps to prevent the scratching that worsens eczema and psoriasis. Not only is it fast acting, but it is also long lasting. A single application starts working within five minutes, and lasts up to five HOURS.
Moisturize your skin.
Applying a moisturizer to your skin can help soothe itchy skin and prevent the skin from drying out. Here’s another area where Dermeleve® shines. Dermeleve® contains natural moisturizers that help keep your skin soft and supple. This also helps to prevent and treat both eczema and psoriasis.
Stay out of the sun.
Exposure to UV light can make your skin dry and scaly, which can worsen your skin condition. Avoid the sun, tanning booths, and sunlamps, and use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.
Wear protective clothing.
Clothing made from natural fabrics, such as cotton, wool, or silk, can help keep your skin cool and moist. Conversly, avoid clothing made from synthetic fabrics, such as nylon. These fabrics can irritate the skin.
Treatments for eczema and psoriasis
Psoriasis and eczema can both be treated with prescription and over-the-counter medications.
Medications for psoriasis.
There are prescription and over-the-counter medications available to treat psoriasis. Some over-the-counter medications, such as coal tar, can suppress the immune system. Prescription medications may include topical treatments, such as psoralen and ultraviolet A (PUVA). They can also include systemic treatments, such as methotrexate, cyclosporine, and ciclosporin.
Medications for eczema.
Over-the-counter medications, such as corticosteroid creams and pills, can reduce inflammation. However, these medications can cause side effects. These include thinning of the skin and stretch marks. These medications should be used with caution. Prescription medications include topical treatments, such as hydrocortisone. Systemic treatments include methotrexate, cyclosporine, and ciclosporin.
At the end of the day, eczema and psoriasis are both common types of skin conditions. They might seem similar, but they are quite different. Eczema is a chronic condition that causes the skin to become dry, itchy, and inflamed. Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that causes the skin to produce too much skin cells. In this article, we’ve discussed some general tips that can help you take care of your skin, no matter what type it is. There are treatments available for both conditions. But it's important to get a diagnosis from a doctor so you can get the right treatment.
Remember, when it comes to skin, everyone's is different. What works for your best friend might not work for you, and that's okay. The best way to find out what works for you is to experiment. Find what makes you feel comfortable and provides the best relief.
If relief from eczema or psoriasis is something you’re looking for, you’ll find the answer in a tube of Dermeleve®.
Q: What is the difference between eczema and psoriasis?
A: Eczema and psoriasis are both skin conditions, but they have different causes and symptoms. Eczema is typically caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors, while psoriasis is an autoimmune disease.
Q: How can I tell the difference between eczema and psoriasis?
A: Eczema and psoriasis can often be differentiated by their appearance. Eczema is characterized by red, inflamed skin, while psoriasis commonly presents as thick, silvery scales on the skin.
Q: Are there any similarities between eczema and psoriasis?
A: Both eczema and psoriasis can cause itchy, red, and inflamed skin. They can also both flare up due to certain triggers such as stress, infections, and environmental factors.
Q: What are the common symptoms of eczema?
A: The symptoms of eczema can include dry, sensitive skin, red inflamed skin, severe itching, and recurring rash.
Q: What causes eczema?
A: Eczema is believed to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Sometimes it is triggered by certain irritants or allergens.
Q: What are the treatment options for psoriasis?
A: Treatment for psoriasis can include topical treatments such as creams, light therapy, systemic medications, and biologic drugs to manage symptoms and prevent flare-ups.
Q: Is there a specific cream for eczema?
A: Yes, there are creams specifically designed to relieve the symptoms of eczema, such as moisturizers, corticosteroid creams, and calcineurin inhibitors. However, prolonged use of corticosteroid creams can lead to skin thinning, infections, and other side effects. It's important to use them under medical supervision. For a safer, steroid-free alternative, Dermeleve® may be recommended as it is designed to soothe inflammation and itch without the associated risks of steroid use.
Q: What is the cause of eczema or psoriasis?
A: Exactly what causes eczema and psoriasis is not fully understood; but these two skin conditions are believed to be influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Either eczema or psoriasis can also be triggered by immune system factors.
Q: Can psoriasis be triggered by certain factors?
A: Yes, psoriasis can be triggered by factors such as stress, skin injuries, infections, weather, and certain medications.
Q: How can I prevent psoriasis flare-ups?
A: To prevent psoriasis flare-ups, it is important to manage stress, avoid triggers, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and follow a treatment plan prescribed by a healthcare professional.