The proof is in the experience

Hear what patients have to say about Dermeleve®

  • five stars image

    “Dermeleve is the ONLY product I have used that calms my itching. I’ve used it for eczema and hives, and have had relief within minutes.”

    - Martha H.

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    “I have had this itchy psoriasis on my hands for years! I have tried everything, including steroid ointments, (that I don’t want to use). I tried Dermeleve and immediately the itching was gone.”

    - Shannon R.

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    “As a pharmacist and psoriasis sufferer, I have searched for years for a product that could alleviate my itch as well as improve the appearance of scaly areas. I have tried numerous over the counter and prescription products and none have provided the results I have been searching for. I decided to try Dermeleve and I found complete relief from the annoying itch after just one day. After several applications the scaly, dry areas began to fade and are were well on their way to healing.”

    - Dr Chase V

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    “My daughter has been suffering with eczema for years. Products prescribed or over the counter were like putting a bandaid on the problem, until we discovered Dermeleve. My daughter experienced immediate relief & after a few weeks noticed her discoloration/ hyper pigmentation was lightening & her need for scratching had subsided.”

    - Laura W.

  • five stars image

    “In the last almost 40 years, this is the first product that has actually worked. It has completely relieved my itching and burning and has been the best product I have ever used.”

    - Seth C., M.D.

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    "I have had chronic hives since I was a baby and other severe skin issues. My dermatologist recommended this cream to me. I’ve used it for almost a week. It works within minutes and lasts upwards of 10 hours. I sleep through the night. No more raw open hives or wounds from scratching the other itchy issues. I am officially giving a 10 ⭐ review and am now a FOREVER Customer. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE.”

    - Drina J

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    “I have suffered from skin allergies for a very long time. OTC products as well as prescribed cortisone don’t compare with the effect of this product. Run, don’t walk if you need something like this.”

    - Erin F.

  • five stars image

    "I have been trying everything to control the itch and inflammation of my latest dermatomyositis flair. This is the first product that has given me relief."

    - Cyndi T

  • five stars image

    I had the shingles, and while nothing really helped stop the burning itch-Dermeleve helped the most. Used it religiously during this episode and it really did seem to soothe and help heal. Would not only use it again for any bug bite or rash but would recommend this product also.

    - emm

  • five stars image

    I have a fungus I had never heard of. It itches like nothing I have ever experienced. There is no cure & no one knows how you contract it. DERMELEVE really helped temporarily to prevent the itching. It was certainly my Life Saver. Thank you DERMELEVE!!!!!

    - DedeDinah

  • five stars image

    I get Poison Ivy every summer for some reason. This Summer I tried Dermeleve to see how well it would work and….. IT IS AWESOME!! i CAN HONESTLY SAY THAT I WAS NOT ITCHING WITHIN AN HOUR!!! My youngest son used it as well and it worked on his athlete's foot.
    I RECOMMEND Dermeleve TO EVERYONE that mentions symptoms that I know it will help.

    - devoneej

  • five stars image

    I've been suffering from itchy skin for over 12 years, and since 2017 it's been unbearable.  My doctor gave me samples of Dermeleve and it is the miracle cure.  My back was operated on twice in 2017.    I'm 69, with a history of breast cancer (2009), 7 joint replacements, and numerous other surgeries.  Your cream works like no other.  I actually would use a back scratcher to the point where I was drawing blood. Now I have you to think because when the itching gets to the point where I look at the back scratcher I have my husband put Dermeleve all over my back the itching stops immediately and it actually lasts for days maybe longer.  Your company and my Dermatologist have changed my life.   Doctor's told me for years it was just dry skin.  Obviously they were wrong.  Thank you very much.  I'm always available if you need to contact me

    - Gail W.

  • five stars image

    Love the product.  As the surviving spouse of a well known dermatologist and dermatopathologist suffering from a whole body itchy rash that just won’t go away, Dermeleve really helps with my itch and it is steroid free too!  My only suggestion is to put the product in a big jar.  Thank you. PCP

    - P.C.P.

  • five stars image

    Literally life changing…

    I found a new dermatologist, Stephen Switlyk, M.D. who is working on diagnosing the cause of a new rash that has persisted for 5 months.  The itching is so severe at times it wakes me up in the middle of the night.  Dr. Switlyk asked me try a sample of Dermeleve in his office while doing his intake … a few minutes into the intake, he asked, “how is the itching?”  I said, “I forgot!”  Absolutely love the product – it has become literally life changing as I head to France for 2 weeks … don’t know what I would have done without this wonderful product.  Thank you!

    - Ken C

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    “Godsend” hand cream.

    I’m very picky about my hand cream, and have always had soft skin. Recently, my palms began itching and I was forced to go to a Dermatologist. My hands suddenly turned red, thickened with horrible crinkled palms, almost blistering, although anyone else looking at my hands would have thought I cleaned without gloves too much. Not! 😂
    I was prescribed a steroid cream, which has helped. But the only thing that seems to stop the itch or ache of this new skin problem is the Dermeleve cream which the Dermatologist suggested I try when she handed me a sample. Too much anti-bacterial soap and liquid hand cleaners evidently doesn’t work well for me. The Dermatologist also suggested I stop at a drug store and try a tube of a specific healing ointment. The ointment made me feel as though I had applied Vaseline, which I didn’t care for at all. 
    Later, I tried the sample of Dermeleve, and there is absolutely no comparison! This is a soothing cream which relieved my hand pain & itch almost immediately. It dries quickly and I can reapply as often as needed, although I only apply it a few times during the day and before bedtime. 
    Since my prescription steroid can only be used twice a day, this Dermeleve was a Godsend! Even though my hands are still a bit of a mess, at least I am comfortable while healing. I am extremely pleased with Dermeleve and will continue using it in the future.

    - Karen N

  • five stars image

    It works! No more itchy back! Yeah!

    - Carol T

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    A nap on the Beach during some cool weather led to the worst sunburn on my lower pack that I have EVER had. My pants were uncomfortable, bending over felt as if my skin was tearing, I even had swelling. This cream/ointment/miracle potion saved me. It eased the burning pain for hours at a time and my pants were no longer irritating my skin. After a few days, I was healed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating this product! I now carry your blue & white bottled beauty in my beach bag at all times because, Hey you never know when you will get lost in the gorgeous Florida Sun Rays on a breezy day. Be Well & Thanks again!

    - D'Anna R

  • five stars image

    Real life testimonial. I had my flip flops on Sunday morning when I felt sharp pain and looked down to see that I was standing on a fire ant hill. There were probably 100 ants on each foot. My feet were on "fire" instantly. I quickly asked my partner where the Dermeleve was. She grabbed it, and I rubbed some on both feet after grabbing a hose and washing off the ants. The fire (itching) stopped immediately. It's now Thursday I have many small blisters on my feet. I didn't know it until I saw them. I have not had a moment of discomfort since the first and only treatment. Quite impressive.

    - Tom P.

  • five stars image

    I have had the worst 3 years of my life battling bacterial folliculitis of unknown source. I have what I call call volcano sores, and my hair has also begun to fall out as my scalp has begun to open up as well. I’ve tired every prescribed ointment, lotion, soap, oil, etc… as well as every over the counter product I can find. I’ve stopped just short of going on o a witch doctor trying to find relief. I have had not quality of life because i I look and feel absolutely disgusting. 
    I finally decided to change dermatologist, and am now so blessed to be going to the dermatology department at Texas Tech Health Science Center. I was given a sample to try in hopes to relieve my burning and crawling sensation. Quite honestly, I had little confidence since nothing else has even come close to giving me relief. 
    All I can say is - THANK YOU! Although my appearance has a long way to go since I’ve been in a state of constant misery for going on 4 years, I do feel like the crawling and burning is better thanks to this cream. I can’t express my level with of appreciation. I do wish this was slightly stronger for my skin condition, but I’m grateful for the relief i am getting.

    - Becky F.

  • five stars image

    “Over the top!” for allergies

    I  am a long time allergy sufferer – as are many people in Texas.  One way my allergies often present is itching on the top of my feet.  This includes environmental allergens that have not come in contact with my feet.

    For years, I’ve itched the top of my feet to the point of breaking the skin and bleeding.  Although sometimes allergy pills help – they can often take up to an hour to work – and who wants to take a pill when there are no other allergy symptoms present?  Cortisone creams usually don’t do much to alleviate the itch.

    I happened to mention this to a co-worker of mine who had just returned from a trade conference and had been given Dermeleve by Marc Ducheiko, the company’s CGO. She, in turn gave me a sample. During an “itchy foot” episode I tried the Dermeleve, even though I was extremely skeptical (as I’ve tried so many products in the past).  In less than 10 minutes, my foot wasn’t itching at all!  I couldn’t believe it.  I ran back to my  co-worker and begged for another sample.  

    I am so happy to have found this product as now I know I don’t have to ingest pills or opt for a steroid cream that may – or may not- alleviate the situation.  This is the first Spring EVER that I can recall the tops of my feet being scab free.  I’m, aware that this reads as an “over the top” review – but this really is an over the top product!

    - Sarah B

  • five stars image

    I have had this itchy psoriasis on my hands for years! I have tried everything, including steroid ointments, (that I don’t want to use). I tried Dermeleve and immediately the itching was gone within minutes. The dry dead skin build-up is starting to go away –I think because I stopped itching so much? The pictures that I include we taken about two weeks apart.

    - Glen L

  • five stars image

    Killed it!

    Had the itch last night. Put some on and Bam…the itch was gone in five minutes. Slept like a baby. Thank you Dermeleve!!!

    - Rob J

  • five stars image

    I was introduced to Dermeleve by my dermatologist and I’m so happy that she chose me as her first test subject to try it out and respond back to her with my honest opinion.  And, I love it!  I suffer from a couple of different autoimmune conditions and they cause itching.  Sometimes I get teeny tiny bumps that are barely visible and they itch like poison ivy.  Other times I get totally invisible itchy spots on my hands that make me crazy and a little dab of Dermeleve and I’m good as new in minutes. No itching. No torment and no embarrassment while trying to nonchalantly scratch in public.  Those days are finally gone!

    - Emily in Alexandria, VA

  • five stars image

    I have had chronic hives since I was a baby and other severe skin issues. As a type 1 diabetic, I was facing a round of steroids for the severity of my hives. Steroids and diabetes is all baaaaaad! And can be dangerous.  My dermatologist recommended this cream to me. I’ve used it for almost a week. For the hives, for the other skin issues. It works within minutes and lasts for me personally upwards of 10 hours. I sleep through the night. No more raw open hives or wounds from scratching the other itchy issues. You require very little and it seems the tube will last a good while because of this.  I am officially giving a 10 ⭐Review and am now a FOREVER Customer.  


    - Drina J

  • five stars image

    I just had a brachioradial pruritus walk in. Years of terrible drives her crazy itch of the left arm (she has areas of digging/crusts) happens every fall...lots of sun in the summer (who knows if that is why?)...

    After five minutes of itch! (except in the area under her short sleeve that I did not pick up to apply on).

  • five stars image

    THANK YOU!  I have used your product throughout my body over the last 2 weeks to help get rid of itchiness.  The itchiness and rashes are a condition brought on by Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) I have had for 2 years year now.  I used the product as directed and saw immediate results especially on both sides of my torso.  One rash is completely gone and the other has subsided quite well. On another issue I had was psoriasis in both ear canals.  Deremleve worked so well for me I used in my ears.  Low and be hold it worked. I use dermeleve on one spot daily and when the ears or any part of my body start that confounded itchiness.  Thank you  once again.

    - Carl S.