Updated September 3, 2023
If you've ever had an itchy vagina, you know how uncomfortable and embarrassing it can be. Vaginal itching is a common problem that many women experience at some point in their lives. Vaginal itching can be caused by anything from yeast infections to bacterial vaginosis or even something as simple as a reaction to soap or detergent.
Vaginal itching is a common and bothersome condition that can affect women of any age. It can range from mild to severe, and although it may not be serious, it can still make you feel very uncomfortable. Fortunately, there are several home remedies for vaginal itching that can help reduce the discomfort.
In this article, we'll look at various conditions that cause vaginal itching, ways to help relieve vaginal itching, and how to stop the burning sensation in the vaginal area.
What Causes Vaginal Itchiness?
Let's take a look at some of the most common causes of vaginal itching.

Vaginal Infections
The most common source of vaginal itching is an infection such as bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections like vaginal candidiasis, or trichomoniasis. Vaginal infections are very common, with roughly 75% of all women being affected by them at some point in their lives.
One of the main causes of these infections is a disruption in the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina. This can cause itching and inflammation, as well as an increased amount of vaginal discharge, which can be uncomfortable and embarrassing.
The good news is that there are ways to help maintain your vaginal health, as well as stop itching and inflammation associated with these infections.
One of the best ways to treat vaginal infections is through probiotics. Probiotics can replenish the natural balance of bacteria in your vagina, which helps reduce the occurrence of infection and promote healthy vaginal flora.
Additionally, probiotics have been shown to help reduce itching and soreness associated with these conditions.
Other treatments include using an over-the-counter anti-itch cream or ointment, wearing cotton underwear, limiting sexual activity while treating a vaginal infection, and taking regular showers instead of baths.
All of these steps can help stop itching and provide relief from discomfort due to infections.
If your vaginal itchiness continues after trying some of the common home remedies that can help, it's important to see a doctor to ensure you receive a proper diagnosis and treatment for the symptoms that the vaginal infection caused.
Sexual Health Issues
Sex can often be the reason for vaginal itching. Discomfort during and after sexual intercourse is a common issue that many women experience. Vaginal dryness, caused by a lack of natural lubrication, is one of the most common causes of this discomfort.

Using a personal lubricant can help with this issue, as well as adjusting positions during intercourse to prevent inflammation or chafing of the vaginal tissues.
Additionally, vaginal yeast infections are sometimes triggered by sexual activity and may be the cause of your symptoms. In order to accurately diagnose and treat your condition, it is important to visit a doctor or gynecologist.
Itching in private parts can be caused by various other factors, such as friction, allergic reactions to condoms or lubricants, or an imbalance in the pH level of the vagina.
This itching can also be accompanied by a burning sensation around or inside your vagina, making it uncomfortable and difficult to ignore.
To relieve vaginal itching caused by sexual activity, it is essential to maintain good hygiene practices and avoid the use of harsh soaps or douches. Additionally, using a water-based lubricant during intercourse can help reduce friction and prevent further irritation.
If the itching and burning persist, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying infections or conditions.
The following sexually transmitted illnesses might also cause vaginal itching:
Genital warts – The human papillomavirus is what causes genital warts (HPV). It might result in symptoms including skin warts and vaginal irritation. Moreover, HPV can be acquired during oral sex.
Herpes – A viral illness called herpes can cause warts and lesions in the vaginal region. Moreover, it can spread to other organs like the brain and eyes. Herpes infection may be indicated by a persistent vaginal itch.
Gonorrhea- Gonorrhea is an infection caused by bacteria that can seriously harm a woman's reproductive functions. It is often spread through sexual activity and coming into contact with bodily fluids that carry the infection.
Chlamydia -Chlamydia is a bacterial infection that can be transmitted through sexual contact. People with this condition may experience vaginal itching, burning or a discharge, even though the ailment does not typically have visible symptoms.
Crabs – Pubic lice, or crabs, can enter the vaginal area's pubic hair via sexual contact. Additionally, wearing items like clothing, sleeping on bedding, or using towels that have been exposed to public lice can potentially spread the bugs.
Skin Irritants
Vaginal itching may be caused by a variety of dermal factors, including skin irritations. Skin irritation can occur due to friction during sexual activity, as well as allergic reactions to condoms or lubricants. This type of vaginal itching is usually accompanied by a burning sensation around or inside the vagina.

To stop vaginal itching due to skin irritations, it is important to practice good hygiene, avoid harsh soaps or detergents near the area, and wear breathable underwear and loose clothing.
Avoiding tight clothing may also help relieve vaginal itching by minimizing friction against sensitive skin areas like vaginal lips. If needed, topical creams or antihistamines may provide relief from itching and burning, though it is important to be wary of using topical steroids like hydrocortisone and cortisol.
We'll discuss some of the dangers associated with corticosteroids a bit later in the article.
Menopause can be a major cause of vaginal itching and burning. As hormone levels decrease, the production of natural lubricants decreases as well, leading to dryness and inflammation in the vagina. This can lead to irritation and pain during intercourse or even just walking around due to friction against sensitive areas.

The thinning of skin around the vagina also makes it more prone to itching and irritation from soaps, detergents, perfumes, or synthetic fabrics like nylon which are not breathable.
Additionally, menopausal women may experience increased sensitivity in their vulva area due to decreased estrogen levels making them more prone to itching from irritants like sweat or urine that would otherwise go unnoticed by younger women.
Menopause can be a challenging time in a woman's life, but there are ways to manage these symptoms and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. If vaginal discomfort has prevented you from living life to the fullest, speak to a healthcare provider about hormone replacement therapy and other treatments that can help you find relief.
Hormonal imbalances outside of menopause can also cause vaginal itching and discomfort. Hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone play an important role in maintaining a healthy balance in the vagina.

When these hormones become unbalanced due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, or certain medications such as birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy (HRT), it can lead to dryness and swelling of the vulva area, which may result in itching.
Another common cause of hormonal imbalance is polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) which is a condition that affects women's hormones leading to irregular menstrual cycles, excess hair growth on the face and body, acne breakouts, and other symptoms, including vaginal itching.
In any case, where there is an imbalance of hormones present outside of menopause, it may be beneficial for women to seek medical advice from their doctor about how best to manage their symptoms.
Symptoms Associated With Vaginal Itching
Vaginal itching is an uncomfortable sensation that can range from mildly irritating to intensely painful. It's a common symptom of many different health conditions, ranging from infections to allergies and sensitivities. Learning to recognize and understand the symptoms associated with vaginal itching can help you identify what might be causing your discomfort so you can get the proper treatment.

Burning sensations in or around your vagina can often be a sign of irritation caused by something as simple as tight clothing, perfumed detergents, or bubble bath products. Allergies and sensitivities to certain foods, drugs, and chemicals may also cause burning during urination or intercourse.
In some cases, burning may be a sign of infection such as yeast overgrowth (candidiasis) or bacterial vaginosis (BV). As with other symptoms, if the home remedies for an itching vagina that are listed in this article don't work, it's best to check with a doctor for a proper diagnosis.
Irritation around the vagina is usually caused by contact with irritants like soap, laundry detergent, fabric softener sheets used in dryers, feminine hygiene sprays and douches.
A common irritant cause is the shaving of the pubic hair. Whether it's from hair removal cream or from shaving, both can cause irritation to the delicate skin of the pubic area. To reduce irritation, try switching to a razor with multiple blades, avoiding sliding and rubbing your skin, using lotion right after shaving, and not going over the same area too many times.
If you've been using a hair removal cream, you may have vaginal itching caused by chemical irritation. If this is the case, stop using the product and see if the issue subsides.
Skin problems such as eczema may also cause irritation when they appear on the vulva area outside the vagina. In some cases, irritation may be caused by an allergic reaction to latex condoms or spermicides used during intercourse.
General Discomfort
General discomfort in the area around your vagina can range from a mild ache to intense pain. Some common causes of discomfort are vaginitis, which is inflammation of the vagina; urinary tract infections (UTIs), which cause pain when you urinate; and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as genital herpes or chlamydia.
Discomfort can also be caused by tight clothing, tampons that have been left in too long, douching, and certain medications. Because of the sensitive nature of the skin near and around the vagina, even the slightest irritation can cause discomfort.
It is important to pay attention to any changes in the area around your vagina and consult a doctor if discomfort persists.
Treatment Options for Vaginal Itching
We've seen that there's no shortage of reasons for why a vagina can be itchy. The good news is that there are also a large variety of treatments available to relieve the discomfort. From over-the-counter creams to prescription medications to natural remedies, there are sure to be some options that work best for you.
Over-the-Counter Creams:
One option for treating vaginal itching is an over-the counter cream or ointment specifically designed for use inside the vagina. These remedies for an itching vagina may contain ingredients such as antifungals and antihistamines which can help stop the itching associated with yeast infections and other causes of vulvar irritation.

However, many of these creams also contain a corticosteroid, like hydrocortisone or cortisol. These topical steroids have severe side effects that can manifest from long time use. They can cause thinning of the skin, tearing, and even cause the body to form an addiction to them. When this happens, the body can suffer from Topical Steroid Withdrawal when taken off of them.
Not only are the topical steroids that can be found in many vaginal cream options bad for you, they also take a very long time to work. It can be days or even weeks before the itching subsides.
A safe and effective alternative to creams with topical steroids is Dermeleve®. From the moment of application, Dermeleve® goes to work, providing itch relief you can feel in minutes instead of days. Not only is Dermeleve® fast-acting, but it's also long-lasting; with a single application able to provide itch relief for hours, allowing you to go about your day itch-free and your night restful and comfortable.
Because no steroids are used in the formula, Dermeleve® is also free of any potential topical steroid addiction and withdrawal. Dermeleve® is for external use only; and due to the natural properties of the Strontium mineral salts, minor stinging may occur briefly when applied to sensitive skin. Any potential stinging can be negated with the use of a topical numbing cream like Recticare.
Prescription Creams:
If OTC creams and common home remedies for vaginal itch don’t provide enough relief or if your symptoms persist despite them, then it may be time to see your doctor. They can prescribe medication like clotrimazole or miconazole which are both effective at treating many causes of vaginal itching, including fungal infections.

Prescription medication such as anti fungals can be administered topically or as a vaginal suppository which is inserted into the body to treat the infection. It’s important to follow instructions when using anti-fungal medication, as improper use may cause your symptoms to worsen
Your doctor may also prescribe topical steroid creams if needed depending on what's causing your vaginal itching and discomfort. However, be sure to ask about the risks involved with the use of corticosteroids.
Natural Remedies:
While you might be aware that a number of home remedies can help provide relief from vaginal itching. However, you might be surprised to know that one of the the very best home remedies for vaginal itch is using yogurt. Used externally on the vulva or internally by inserting it into the vagina with a tampon, yogurt works because it contains live and active cultures which can help restore the balance of vaginal bacteria and combat yeast infections.

A baking soda bath is also a great home remedy for those experiencing vaginal itching. Simply add 1/4 cup of baking soda to your bath and soak for 15 minutes, making sure to keep the water away from your face.
Finally, consuming garlic can also be beneficial in treating vaginal itch. This is because garlic contains compounds that have antifungal and antibacterial effects. You can try adding garlic to your diet in the form of supplements or by eating it raw.
Dietary Adjustments
Your diet may be causing or worsening your vaginal irritation. A change in diet may lessen symptoms and aid in the fight against infection.

Nutritional adjustments include:
These are just some of the many home remedies that may help with yeast infections and vaginal itching but if symptoms persist or worsen it’s important to see your doctor.
Vaginal itching is a common issue that can be caused by many different factors, including bacterial infections and poor hygiene. It’s important to recognize the symptoms of vaginal itching so you know when it’s time to seek medical help. Fortunately, the availability of several effective home remedies may help and provide relief from uncomfortable sensations. These include avoiding tight clothing, maintaining proper hygiene practices, particularly during your period, wearing breathable materials and using a water based lubricant during sexual intercourse.

For immediate and long lasting itch relief, we recommend trying Dermeleve® to reduce persistent vulvar itching and help relieve itching around the vaginal opening. With its powerful itch fighting ingredients like strontium mineral salts and shea butter – Dermeleve® offers one of the best home remedies for itching in private areas.
Q: What are the best home remedies for vaginal itching and burning?
A: There are several effective home remedies for vaginal itching and burning. Some of the best ones include using baking soda, yogurt, probiotics, and seeing a doctor.
Q: Can I use baking soda to relieve vaginal itching?
A: Yes, you can use baking soda to relieve vaginal itching. Just add a few tablespoons of baking soda to your bathwater and soak in it for about 20 minutes.
Q: How does yogurt help with vaginal itching?
A: Yogurt contains natural bacteria called lactobacillus, which can help restore the balance of good bacteria in the vagina. Apply plain yogurt directly to the affected area for relief from itching and burning.
Q: Are probiotics helpful for relieving vaginal itching?
A: Yes, probiotics can help relieve vaginal itching. They promote the growth of good bacteria in the vagina and help maintain a healthy balance. You can take probiotic supplements or eat foods like yogurt that are rich in probiotics.
Q: Should I see a doctor if I have persistent vaginal itching?
A: Yes, it's advisable to see a doctor if you have persistent vaginal itching. It could be a sign of an underlying infection or condition that requires medical treatment.
Q: Can using creams or ointments help with vaginal itching?
A: Yes, using over-the-counter creams or ointments specifically designed for vaginal itching can provide temporary relief. Look for products that contain ingredients like clotrimazole, which can help alleviate symptoms.
Q: What are some common causes of vaginal itching?
A: Vaginal itching can be caused by a variety of factors, including yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, irritants such as perfumed products or certain fabrics, hormonal changes during menopause, and even sexual intercourse.
Q: Are there any home remedies for itching in private parts?
A: Yes, there are several home remedies for itching in private parts. Some effective ones include applying a cold compress, avoiding tight-fitting underwear, using fragrance-free soaps, and keeping the area clean and dry.
Q: How can I prevent vaginal itching caused by a yeast infection?
A: To prevent vaginal itching caused by a yeast infection, practice good hygiene, avoid douching or using scented products in the genital area, wear breathable cotton underwear, and maintain a healthy diet to support a strong immune system.
Q: Can menopause cause vaginal itching?
A: Yes, menopause can cause vaginal itching. The hormonal changes during menopause can alter the pH balance in the vagina, leading to dryness and itching. Hormone replacement therapy or moisturizers specifically designed for menopausal women can help alleviate symptoms.